
  • Encourage and help beginning and amateur photographers to become better photographers.
  • Provide a venue for professional photographers to share their talents.
The Rocktown Camera Club is for people interested in photography. Club volunteers arrange for meeting facilities, develop programs on photography, manage the web site, and volunteer time to assist fellow members in learning and managing their photography.
Free to join
- no dues, no officers, no bureaucracy -
Just Photography
Established 2012 


When:  Fourth Monday of the month.  We do not meet in July, August, or December.
Time:  7:00 p.m. (new time)
Where:  Trinity Presbyterian Church, 725 S. High Street, Harrisonburg, VA. 
Directions:   - Click on the tab "Directions" above.

05/02/2024 NOTE:  We have a new section called, "Scenic" that provides members to submit their favorite recent scenic photo taken locally, regionally, nationally, internationally.  Visit the Scenic tab above for details.


March 24: TBA

Recent Web Page Updates.  To see what was updated, go to the top of this page and click on the appropriate tab. 

02/25/2025 - Monthly Challenge
02/25/2025 - Club Meeting
02/25/2025 - Where is it?
02/25/2025 - What is it?
11/22/2024 - Photo Session
08/23/2024 - Photo Exhibits
08/08/2024 - Scavenger Hunts
07/05/2024 - Photo Tips
06/02/2024 - Photo News and Events
05/12/2024 - Scenic
04/22/2024 - For Sale 
12/06/2023 - Gadget Corner
04/08/2023 - Miscellaneous
Special thanks to the Trinity Presbyterian Church for allowing us to use their committee room for our meetings.
The following two stores have supported the Rocktown Camera Club over the past years.
Glen's Fair Price Store - The only real camera store in the area. Located at 227 N. Main St. - Harrisonburg, VA.
NOTE:  Glen's is opened Monday, Wednesday and Friday from noon to 5 p.m.  UPDATE:  The store will be going out of business shortly.
 King Photo - The only real photo processing store in Harrisonburg that uses professional ink and paper.
889 East Market Street, Harrisonburg,VA. or
1025 West Main Street, Waynesboro, VA.


  • The Rocktown Camera Club (RCC) will try to keep the information up to date and correct but RCC makes no representations or warranties of any kind, expressed or implied, about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, or availability to the information, products, services, or related graphics contained on the website for any purpose. Any reliance you place on such information is therefore strictly at your own risk. RCC will not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by the user in connection with or the use of this website.
  • Products or links contained herein are not recommendations or endorsements by RCC but provided for information purposes only.
  • Copyrights for all photographs are owned by the attributed photographers. No images may be downloaded except by normal viewing processes. No images may be copied, transmitted, published, stored, reproduced, altered, or manipulated without written permission of the photographer pursuant to Title 17, United States Code. 
  • All text is copyright by the Rocktown Camera Club and the respective authors and contributors. By viewing this website you agree to be bound by the terms of this agreement.
  • When a club member or outside entity submits a photo or information for inclusion on the Rocktown Camera Club web site, Rocktown Camera Club’s Google Photo Album site, or other site managed by the Rocktown Camera Club, the person or organization submitting the photo(s) or information will hold the Rocktown Camera Club and its representatives harmless from any harm or misuse of their material submission.