
  • Encourage and help beginning and amateur photographers to become better photographers.
  • Provide a venue for professional photographers to share their talents.
The Rocktown Camera Club is for people interested in photography. Club volunteers arrange for meeting facilities, develop programs on photography, manage the web site, and volunteer time to assist fellow members in learning and managing their photography.
Free to join
- no dues, no officers, no bureaucracy -
Just Photography
Established 2012 


When:  Fourth Monday of the month.  We do not meet in July, August, or December.
Time:  7:00 p.m. (new time)
Where:  Trinity Presbyterian Church, 725 S. High Street, Harrisonburg, VA. 
Directions:   - Click on the tab "Directions" above.

05/02/2024 NOTE:  We have a new section called, "Scenic" that provides members to submit their favorite recent scenic photo taken locally, regionally, nationally, internationally.  Visit the Scenic tab above for details.