Members can submit a photo of something less obvious for members to guess what it is. We will try to add a new photo each month. Disclosure of what it is will be made at the next meeting.
What is it?
Pinapple Corer
A paddle used in stiring honey.
Sidewalk doors to elevator to basement.
Shade shadow on ceiling
Exhaust ports from mechanical room
Small part of a tangerine
Pomegranate fruit
Tree Frog
Nuclear Warning Siren
Closeup of a Ice Cube
Osage Orange
Electric wire for keeping animals corralled.
Railroad water spout.
Cut stone profile
Upright Fiddle
Hornets Nest
Near Library
Knife blade.
Two images stacked with Helicon Focus. Sigma 105 macro lens plus 1.4 teleconverter, ⅛ sec, f/8, ISO 100
Kitchen tongs
Roof and brick stairs taken using a drone.
Item 2
Silo at Silver Lake, Dayton.
Guesses: 1) Silo (probably the one on Smithland Rd.)
Charlottesville Downtown
Truck auto tire inflators.
Horse bridle tags
Keys that had been found on a street in DC as was placed there by someone hoping the person who lost them would find them.
A bell.
Device for measuring distance. It measures while a person runs the wheel along the ground.
Fossilized Sea Turtle Shell at the Marine Research Center at Sapelo Island, George.
Stairway in the Newseum.
Work lamp shinging against a wall.
Scratches on a car door.
One of those glass containers with oil and sand that make unusual shapes.
05/28/2018 - Beer Making machine
03/26/2018 - a folding table.
02/26/2018 - This is the inside of an old fashion door bell that is on the door. You turn a crank on the outside and the bell rings on the inside of the house.
11/28/2017 - What is it? It is a 1903 Kodak Premo No. 1 camera using a 3¼×4¼ inch film pack. See the second photo.
The Film Pack was introduced by Kodak in 1903 and was at first called the Premo Film Pack. It was used in the Film Premo camera and was made in quarter-plate, Postcard and 4×5inch sizes. Later it was made in 2¼×3¼ and 5×7inch. The pack contained 12 sheets of film, thinner than single sheet film, each with a numbered paper tab attached; it could be inserted into the holder in daylight. The tabs protruded from the loaded holder; as a sheet was exposed you pulled its tab which moved the exposed film to the back of the pack.
11/28/2017 - A boot remover.
9/26/2017 - Here are two photos - What are they?Medallion for the Buick Riviera / motor oil change pan
6/26/2017 - This is a shallow bowl with oil and vinegar. 1/100, F 5.6, 100mm.
05/23/2017 - Versen photo - 22mm, F8, 1/250 - labyrinth at EMU.
04/26/2017 - Versen photo - 24mm, F11, 1/500. - A wall on the left in the parking lot near Taj of India restaurant. The right side is a reflection from the Slipstream trailer parked along the wall.
03/28/2017 - 145mm, F5.3, 1/40th Versen Photo. - A yogurt machine.
02/27/2017 Versen - 180mm, F6, 1/500. This is a watchman's box. When doing their rounds, they would use this key to turn a device indicating that they had inspected this part of a building.
01/27/2017 Versen - 180mm, F6, 1/500 - Fence near Mongers' train station with a rail car behind it.
12/9/2016 Versen - 52mm, F4.8, 1/50 - Museum of Fine Arts' cafeteria lights upside down.
Past Photos
10/28/2016: Versen - F5.6, 200mm, 1/100 - Set of nails used in a pneumatic nailer.
09/26/2016: What is it? From Greg Versen. - railroad track
07/07/2016: Here is our first "What is it?" photo from Greg Versen. ANSWER - cigarette table.