Club members may submit a photo to
To protect photos from being stolen for commercial purposes, it is suggested that photos contain "© date name" and the submitted file be reduced in size to 100 to 300 kilobytes. If possible, provide the lens mm, shutter, aperture, and ISO and a short description of the photo. The date is the date the photo was posted on the Club's website. The newest photo is at the top. Why not submit a photo today. Share your fun and talented photos with members.

01/31/2025   Evening mist.
11/22/2024 - 28mm, F 1.8, 1/200.  Sunset

10/18/2024 - Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS - F 4.5, 42mm, 10 seconds, ISO 800.

08/20/2024 - Photo of Super Moon piercing through the clouds.

08/23/2023 - Cool sunrise photo.

 06/26/2023 - Three bracketed photos combined into one photo, also known as high dynamic range, to lower over- exposure and raise under-exposure portions of the image.

10/02/2022 - F 3.5, 1/50, 28mm, ISO 400 - LLI Chess Class.

10/12/2021 - F9, 1/60, 135mm, ISO 400 - Cooper's Hawk on shed.

08/02/2021 - F 10, 1/400, 59mm, ISO 100, cropped

01/29/2021 - 7:20 PM, Canon EOS 77D, Sigma 70-200mm f/2.8, Sigma 1.4 Teleconverter. Exposure ISO 100, 1/90, f/9.5, 280mm, 2x crop.

01/25/2021 - Ice storm on this date.

01/15/2021 - Coopers Hawk eating its prey. F5.6, 1/320, 135mm, ISO 800

12/31/2020 - 6:25 PM, Canon EOS 77D, Sigma 70-200mm lens.
Stats:  f/2.8. Exposure ISO 400, 1/90, f/8, 200mm, 2x crop

12/21/2020 - Winter scene in the valley.  F5.6, 14mm, 1/640, 100 ISO.

08/28/2020 -Taken on July 19 at 10:32 PM from the track behind Broadway High School. Canon EOS 77D with an EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS USM lens. Took 22 - 1 sec, f/2.8 exposures at ISO 6400. The focal length was 28mm and used RAW. Converted them to TIFF and stacked them using Starry Landscape Stacker V1.8 using the minimum horizon noise setting and then processed the resulting image in Lightroom Classic.

07/17/2020 - Two photos of Comet Neowise.  Canon 80D using the 18-135mm kit lens on a tripod. Top photo = 18mm, F4.5, 30sec, 250-ISO. Lower photo = 102mm, F5.6, 13sec, 1600-ISO.  After a few days, you'll have to wait 6,766 years to photograph Neowise again.

05/30/2020 - Two Dynamic Aviation aircraft, the Douglas C-47 and Beech 18, flew a 60-minute formation flight across the valley.

05/12/2020 -DC3 flyby over Harrisonburg.
04/20/2020 - Burnt apartment building demolished. 

03/09/2020 - More Drone Photograph.

02/15/2020 - Drone Photography.  Drone photography allows photos from vantage points not available from the ground.

01/11/2020 Animal photos:

11/06/2019 Shenandoah Lake.  An example of a photo adjusted using software. F6.3, 64mm, 1/320, ISO100.  Photo taken during Frank Doherty's Lifelong Learning Institute field photography class.  He'll be holding another class next spring.

10/03/2019 Stone School House.  F 5.6, 1/200, 19mm, ISO 100.  Photo taken around 10 a.m.  Colors tweaked using Apple's "Preview" app.  At our October meeting, members will be shown how to bring out the colors and contrast to help make photo "pop."

09/01/2019 Black Water Falls, WV. 18MM, F3.5, 1/1,000, ISO 100.

07/03/2019 - You don't always need everything in the photo.  E.g., missing is the right elbow, end of the guitar's neck, no feet, tip of hat.  But you still get the story of a hat-wearing guy playing the guitar in gray scale.   Something to think about.

06/15/2019 - Photo Shoot at Silver Lake.  To see examples of photos taken on this field trip, CLICK HERE.
03/28/2019 - Fire on Lois Lane, Harrisonburg.  Sometimes photography is about exploiting opportunity.

03/26/2019 - From our "Shutter Priority Workshop."
01/14/2019 - Alpenglow!  Eastern facing slope of the western range of Shenandoah Mountain washed in a red glow during a sunrise on the opposite side of the Shenandoah Valley. ISO 800  1/100 sec  f/4.5  Exp -1.00
12/22/2018 - Christmas photo - ISO 1600, 1/100, f/2.8
12/20/2018 - Christmas Cactus F5, 1.6 seconds, 59mm, ISO 100.  Used a tripod - image stabilization off, manual focus.
11/16/2018 - F8, 1/800, 50mm, 100 ISO

10/31/2018 - ISO 200, 1/250, f/8, exposure value -1, used  polarizing filter.

09/24/2018 -  Taken with iPhone, African Violet taken in Portrait mode with stage light. ISO1,000, 1/60 sec, f2.8

09/03/2018 - Storm Cloud - 1/1,600, 76mm, F 5.6, ISO 100.

08/29/2018 - Canon Powershot S2 camera - 44mm, 1/160, F3.5 ISO 100

05/28/2018 - ISO 100, f/1.8, 1/1000, 50 mm lens
04/21/2018 - A working telephone booth in George Washington National Forest in the woods by picnic tables and humpback bridge at the entrance to Crabtree Falls.    ISO 160, 1/320 sec, f 5.6

04/13/2018 - ISO 200, f/8, 1.0 sec
04/09/2018 -  ISO 320, 1/250  sec, f 6.3
 ISO 100,1/160 sec, f 2.8

03/21/2018 - 1/100 sec, f5.6, ISO 800 Canon SX50 camera

03/19/2018 - 1/250, F5, 50mm, ISO 100

03/12/2018 - Photo by Mike Smith: Went to the Maple Festival of Highlands County over the weekend. On the side of the road was phone booth, a hold over from old times.  
1/128, 38mm, F6.3, 100 ISO
03/07/2018 - Photos from Andrea Popick.
Bald Eagle photo taken at Chincoteague NWR on the other side of the road by Toms Cove Visitor Center on February 20, 2017, 714 mm, 1/1250 sec, f6.5 with Nikon Coolpix P9000 bridge camera.
Snapping Turtle photo was taken at Chincoteague NWR on the Wildlife loop road on Chincoteague Island in VA on September 9, 2017,  55mm (Olympus micro 4/3 lens 12mm - 50mm lens) 1/100 sec, ISO 250, f 6.3 with Olympus micro 4/3 OM-D E-M1 camera. This photo is on the 2018 Chincoteague Refuge Annual Pass.
Sanderlings photo taken at Stump Pass Beach State Park, FL on December 15, 2017,  221 mm (Olympus micro 4/3 lens 75mm - 300mm lens), 1/640 sec, f 9.0 ISO 200 with Olympus micro 4/3 OM-D E-M1 camera.

02/21/2018 - 1/50, 5.6, 135mm, ISO 100

09/09/2017 - F-8, 1/320, 18mm, ISO 100.  Photo taken using the high dynamic range feature which takes three photos - under exposed, over exposed, and correctly exposed.  It lightens the dark and darkens the light.  This darkens the sky for a bluer sky while lighting up the flowers which were darker.

08/25/2017 Video of Harrisonburg during eclipse.  Movie consists of 3,500 shots taken over a 2 hour, 54 minute period of time.  Video speed has been increased from a 1 minute, 56 playback time to around 20 seconds.  The auto exposure was turned off during filming so that we could see the darkening of sunlight.  Observe people in lower right corner coming out to see eclipse and how dark the video is at this point.  CLICK HERE.
08/21/2017 - Eclipse of the sun - Photo taken of image projected from a telescope onto paper.

05/25/2017 - 135mm, F5.6, 1/1600, ISO 200 This photo of Mount Rushmore provides an example of taking a photo that most people would not think or see to take.

05/02/2017 - 35mm, F4.5, 1/640, ISO 100 Spring Flower.

03/24/2017 - Taken through a glass globe.  Focus was on the image in the glass globe, not the actual image.  Used a wide aperture to blur background.  Since it is a refraction image, the picture had to be rotated 180 degrees to make it "upright".
ISO 800, Exp. 1/125, f2.8, 100mm lens.  It's a child's bank! 

02/16/2017 - Car Fire - 135mm, F 5.6, 1/250, ISO 100, shot in manual mode - The key to this photo is to have camera settings set to a neutral or middle settings.  And of course, to have your camera nearby.  You never know when a photo opportunity will arise.

12/28/2016 - Tree - Montpelier.  18mm, 3.5, 1/1,000, ISO 200

10/12/2016 - Photo of fall colors taken last week in upstate New York.  95mm, F 5.6, 1/200, ISO 100

08/24/2016 - For those interested in taking time lapse photos and creating a short movie, here is a fun video.

08/10/2016 - Chewning - 11mm f/2.8 20 sec, ISO 3200.

07/24/2016 - Laughland - 1/160, F5.6, 18mm.  Example of a cropped photo.  Sunset after a thunderstorm.  Clouds after a storm are really great photographic opportunities.
07/15/2016 - Chewning - F11, 2.5 seconds, 11mm
06/16/2016 - Laughland - Sunset - F 11, 1/500, 85mm, ISO 500

04/27/2016 - Laughland -  Eagle - F5.6, 1/1000, 135mm, ISO 100, cropped.
04/24/2016 - Wesley Furr - In honor of Worldwide Pinhole Photography Day, I tried my hand for the first time at pinhole photography.  I salvaged and modified the mount of an old lens and used metal ductwork tape to create a pinhole lens for my Konica Minolta Maxxum 5D.  Exposure is 1 second at ISO 100.  Based on exposure, I'm guessing the pinhole aperture is somewhere around f/180. 

04/21/2016 - Laughland - 1/6 shutter, F5.0, 53mm, ISO 5,000.  Took photo just after sunset with moon rising over forest fire in the Shenandoah National Forest.

03/23/2016 - Mary Rouse.

03/20/2016 - Wesley Furr - 70mm, 1/160, f/2.8, ISO 200.

03/09/2016 - Laughland 1/400, F5.6, 62mm, 100 ISO - spring weather has brought out the flowers.

01/24/2016 - Laughland - Snow Wall - 1/250, F8, 41mm, 100 ISO

01/19/2016 - Wesley Furr submission:

12/30/2015 - Laughland - F3.5, 1/60, ISO 1600, 18mm.
 10/26/2015 - Laughland - F9, 1/250, ISO 250, 18mm cropped.

Breeden - No camera data available.

10/20/2015 - Furr - front door of the Chinqua Penn Plantation near Reidsville, NC.  Camera data unavailable.

09/29/2015 - Furr - ISO 400, f/5.6 (wide open for that lens at 70mm) and 1/13.
 09/27/2015 - Laughland - The Fisherman 1/125, F5.7

09/20/2015 - Whitmore - 1/250, F 22, 135mm

09/09/2015 - Fire - 1/50, F 2.2, ISO 50.  Club member Brad Chewning's photo received a blue ribbon photograph for photojournalism at the Rockingham County Fair. This is a photo of his photo with the blue ribbon.  Congratulations to Brad.

08/22/2015 - Silver Lake - 1/80, F/18, 28mm, ISO 100

08/212/2015 - Shutter .80 sec, f/18, ISO 400, 18mm - Rockingham County Fair.

07/21/2015 - Whitmore - F11, 1/125, 135mm

07/11/2015 - Whitmore - F4, 1/125, 100mm

06/23/2015 - Laughland F4, 1/80, 25mm cropped - Taken at sunset after thunderstorm this date.

06/21/2015 - Laughland F10, 1/250, 18mm

04/03/2015 - Laughland F8, 1/30, 10mm

(12/26/2014) Chewning - Amtrak train crossing Rappahannock River at Fredericksburg, VA. Taken with Olympus Stylus 1 camera,ISO 100, f/8, 1/320 sec.

(12/06/2014) Laughland - Unknown settings.  Selfie taken with a Kodak No2A Brownie Camera Model B - 2/1/1916 patent - 116 film (although I think I used 120 film).  One of my very first photographs.  I inherited camera from my Grandfather.  I'm in my bedroom, circa 1962.

(11/13/2014) Laughland - 1/2,500, F8, ISO 800 - taken with white balance set for indoors by accident but it made the daylight appear to be night time.  That's the sun, not the moon.
(11/08/2014) Brad Chewning - Canon Rebel T5i and Canon 70-300 lens.  Program mode, 1/250, f/5.6, ISO 100.  Post processing to reduce noise.

(10/30/2014) Brad Chewning - Old Town Quebec City, Quebec Canada.  1/110, f/4.50, ISO 160

(10/12/2014) Joe Laughland - 50mm, 1/3200, F10, ISO 200.  Air show at Weyers Cave.  Photo was cropped.  Sun is behind plane making for silhouette shot.

(10/08/2014) Greg Versen - 300mm, Aperture F7.1, shutter 1.6 seconds, SIO 250,  Blood Moon Lunar Eclipse

(09/23/2014) Joe Laughland - 28mm, F14, 1/5, ISO 800
(08/31/2014) Brad Chewning - Canon Power Shot, 22mm, f 4.9, 1/640 sec, ISO 100
(08/30/2014) Joe Laughland -  Cat picture (135mm, F6.3, 1/250, ISO 100 - cropped).  I saw the neighbor's cat peeking out the cat door and grabbed my camera.

(08/09/2014) Joe Laughland -On Aug. 9, Joe Laughland went to the Mustang and Ford car show at Harrisonburg Ford.  He concentrated on closeup photos of grills and lights.  CLICK HERE to see a sample of photos.  The following photo is an example.  (28mm, F8, 1/160, ISO 100)

(05/31/2014)  Lynn Whitmore -F16, 1/13 shutter, ISO 200, 71mm
(05/24/2014) Joe Laughland - Statue of Homer, Univ. of Va., example of overexposure of background.  Converted into black & white & cropped.  F5.2, 1/160, ISO 200.
 (05/24/2014) Flanigan.  F13, 1/250, 400mm, ISO 200
(05/13/2014) Virginia Meyerhoeffer, taken 5/11/2014, f/5.6, 1/250, ISO 6400

(04/25/2014) Patrick Flanigan - F 8, 1/400, 50mm, ISO 200
(04/23/2014) Joe Laughland - F 5.7, 1/2,000, 115mm.  Used point-and-shoot Canon S120. 

(04/19/2014) Beverly Silver - F4, 1/250, 4.5mm
(04/11/2014) Joe Laughland Taken during the HeartChase event.  F6.3, 135mm, 1/2,500, ISO 400
(03/28/2014) Pat Churchman
(03/15/2014) Joe Laughland - Taken in February at Gulf Shores, Alabama, using Canon 120 Point-and-shoot camera.  F 5.7, 1/1,000  26mm, ISO 250
 (03/13/2014) Lynn Whitmore - Taken on 3/8 at the JMU Arboretum, F 11, 1/125, 59mm, ISO 200
(03/13/2014) Patrick Flanigan - F 8, 1/80, 50mm, ISO 400
(02/11/2014) Joe Laughland - Mt. Rushmore reflection.

(02/11/2014) Patrick Flanigan
(01/29/2014) Lynn Whitmore.  Taken at the JMU arboretum Jan. 16, 2014.
(02/15/2014) Linda Bradley - Here’s a photo from Thursday’s storm taken from my deck.
(01/9/2014) Joe Laughland.  Picture taken in January 4th, 2014 of a snow scene.